Who are Holly and Joe?

A big hello and welcome to all our followers 🙌

We thought we take an opportunity to introduce ourselves. We are real people Joe and I ( Holly) are married with 2 little people and run our family business in the hills in Derbyshire. We are like carrots and peas" very different creations that go together perfectly. However, one thing that we are always united on is how much we love our children and how we raise them, combined with our passion for protecting our world and our environment, this has led to the creation and development of hollyandjoe.co.uk. Where all our sensory baskets, music baskets and toys are plastic free and from sustainable sources and fair trade.

Joe is a musician by trade and I am a Cognitive Behaviour Therapist (CBT) having majored in mental health and Educational Psychology as well as being parents. We pooled our expertise and created sensory and music baskets to allow children to learn and play using their senses and discover themselves, the world and their place within it.

We are eternally grateful for your support, we are loving this new journey together and can't wait to introduce more products to you soon!

Much love

Holly and Joe

Jonathan Berger
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