
Who are Holly and Joe?

A big hello and welcome to all our followers 🙌

We thought we take an opportunity to introduce ourselves. We are real people Joe and I ( Holly) are married with 2 little people and run our family business in the hills in Derbyshire. We are like carrots and peas" very different creations that go together perfectly. However, one thing that we are always united on is how much we love our children and how we raise them, combined with our passion for protecting our world and our environment, this has led to the creation and development of Where all our sensory baskets, music baskets and toys are plastic free and from sustainable sources and fair trade.

Joe is a musician by trade and I am a Cognitive Behaviour Therapist (CBT) having majored in mental health and Educational Psychology as well as being parents. We pooled our expertise and created sensory and music baskets to allow children to learn and play using their senses and discover themselves, the world and their place within it.

We are eternally grateful for your support, we are loving this new journey together and can't wait to introduce more products to you soon!

Much love

Holly and Joe

Jonathan Berger
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Season's Greetings!


We cannot believe Christmas is nearly here!

A huge thank you to everyone who has sent messages of support and placed orders as it is our first Christmas at
We value every order as it helps support our family business in the hills.

We also have our Christmas specials which will only be on sale up until Christmas. Our lovely fair trade Kantha Christmas stocking which can also double up as a Sensory bag. Our Christmas scent pillows of organic Cinnamon, Organic Chocolate and Organic spice mix. And our lovely Christmas Sensory basket. All plastic free, from sustainable sources, fair trade thus making a great ethical gift.

Wishing you all Seasons Greetings!

Much Love
Holly and Joe x


Jonathan Berger
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Autumn sunshine and music baskets


It has been a really busy few weeks for us tweaking our website, processing orders and looking after our little people. However, today the sun was shining so we headed out to our local woods and had a lovely musical session with Little Feet and Twinkle Toes 💛 they loved playing with their musical instruments and singing outdoors. We were also able to talk about the natural sounds in our environment too! Such a perfect morning and environment to indulge and use all the senses!

We hope you can enjoy your sensory and music baskets in the Autumn sunshine too, it really does allow your little people to use all their senses!

Once again thank you so much for your continued support of our family business. Every order and positive comment we receive means so much to us!

Much Love

Holly and Joe

Jonathan Berger
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Thank You!

Thank you!

We just wanted to thank you for our first few orders this week, it has been lovely packaging up all the items and posting them out!
We have been imagining your little ones playing with their sensory baskets and toys and it has warmed our hearts! All these months of work and now we are making sales.

A big thank you to all of those who have sent lovely messaged, liked and shared our posts. It has meant so much to both of us.

Sunday is our family day so just a quick post and then we are off to swimming lessons and various other family shenanigans.

Happy Sunday

Much love
Holly and Joe

Jonathan Berger
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Launch Day!!

It's launch day at approximately 12noon will no longer be a little seed in our imaginations but will actually be real and will be going live for you to see our plastic free products and toys.

The excitement and buzz that we feel is amazing, after months and months of hard work and research our idea has come to fruition.

We may have stinging eyes and bags under our eyes that you could put a week's shopping in from sleepless nights getting everything ready and looking after little people. However, it has been all worth it!

Thank you to everyone who has supported us; all our family, friends and to our amazing children little feet and twinkle toes who without them we would not have had the Idea and motivation in the first place 💓

We hope you enjoy our products as much as we do . If you have any feedback or questions on our products or website please let us know and email us

Much Love

Holly and Joe

PS- We think there are a few typos in the written text on the website, wrote with sleepy eyes methinks! We are working on changing them when we see them ;)

Jonathan Berger
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1 Day to go!


It's 1 day until we launch or as we write this one night.
We are busy working away trying to iron out all the last snags so I think it might be an all nighter tonight ;) with lots of cups of tea and biscuits.

We are really excited to see what you think of our products, it has been months of research and planning to try and ensure that are products are from sustainable sources and have no plastic content.

We would also really appreciate your feedback on our products or if you find anything that's not quite working please can you contact us on:

Keep your eyes peeled for our competition tomorrow as there will be chance to win some of our products and to also help us promote the business further.

Thank you again for all the support .

Until tomorrow.

Hoping you all have a good night, I think we'll be too busy and excited to sleep.

Much Love

Holly and Joe

Jonathan Berger
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2 Days to Go!

It's 2 days until we launch our website and business and we have to admit we are feeling the first little fluttering sensations in our tummies (probably a mix of immense excitement with a sprinkling of anxiety).

We are working through the nights and attending to our beloved little people as we race to get the website finished.

We have been blown away by the lovely supportive messages both personally and by social media.

We hope you love our plastic free items as much as we so and we are so excited to be sharing them with you.

Much Love

Holly and Joe

Jonathan Berger
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3 Days to Launch!

In 3 days we launch
It is the culmination of months of hard work where Joe and I have spent many hours researching all the great products that you will see on our website.
We have spent a long time ensuring that all our products are plastic free and from sustainable sources.

The main thing we are passionate about in life is our children. There is nothing more important in this world to us and I guess this ultimately led to
Beautifully designed, crafted and natural items for our little ones to explore, play and learn.

We have created ready made sensory baskets and music baskets at various price points. There is also a section for building your own basket where you can select your own basket/bag and the items you want to put in them.

The sensory toys are all plastic free and beautifully designed and manufactured. In time we hope to continue to add more sensory toys from more manufacturers and all will be plastic free.

If you have any questions or comments please contact us on

We welcome your feedback and support with our business and we are both open minded to change if required.

Thank you so much for visiting our website and supporting us.

Much love

Holly and Joe.

Jonathan Berger
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